Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trust Me; Your Coffee Maker is Gross

No, but really-it is. The second love of your life may look clean, and smell fabulous, but it's got some dark, dirty little secrets hidden inside. Confession:  I didn't know I needed to clean out the inside of my coffee maker until recently. Why would you need to clean out the inside of something that is constantly flushed with clean water-water that is heated nonetheless? Answer: it's a perfect, cozy, warm, dark breeding ground for bacteria! Yuck. And you drink out of it every day. Yep. True story. Now, in no way am I trying to break up your relationship with your coffee maker. I know for many of us SAHMs that is our life line. I just want to share with you an affordable cleaning solution, so you can go back to trusting your "Joe" in the morning.

Step 1)  Fill up your 12 cup coffee-maker with about 4 cups of white vinegar (if your coffee maker only makes 4-6 cups, do about 2 cups worth)
Step 2) Turn on your coffee maker and let the vinegar cycle all the way through.
Step 3) Once you've brewed yourself a cup of hot vinegar, let everything sit for about 30 minutes.
Step 4) Dump the vinegar and fill up the coffee pot with water. Turn it on and let it cycle through. Do this 2-3 times until the vinegar odor is gone.
Step 5) You're done. Make sure you do this every 2-3 months from here on out.
Voila! Easy as pie.

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