Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Workout? Yeah, right!

 My idea of a workout is sitting on the couch watching "The Office" reruns doing potato chip reps. That's my typical attitude. Blah. One-I don't really like it, and two- who has the time with two kiddos under the age of four? A gym membership is not in our budget, and running is out of the question-where do the kids go during that time? Well, thanks to a tip from a friend, I now have the time to get in a little workout that is affordable, and I'm starting to enjoy it. How do I do it? I purchased Denise Austin's "Get Fit Daily Dozen Workout" DVD from Amazon for about $8.99. It's been fabulous! It's seven different workouts (for seven days) ranging from aerobic to toning to yoga at 12 minutes a pop! I love it because with a different workout every day I don't easily get bored, and at 12 minutes I really don't have much of an excuse not to do it. I just stick the kids on the floor around me with their cheerios while I get my exercise, and I feel I've accomplished something in my day. I always finish my workout by exclaiming "yay for mommy!," and the kids clap for me in response because they get the TV back for morning cartoons ;).

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