Friday, June 17, 2011

Grocery shopping- it's boring, but someone has to do it

It's Friday, which means it's time for my weekly grocery store adventure at my local Stop & Shop. I chose Friday because that's when my hubby is around to watch the kids. If you've ever grocery shopped with your children and attempted to score good deals using coupons, you know what a juggling act that can be! I prefer to either take him with me if the kids are along or just go by myself. If I'm feeling lazy I wing it-set out with a mental list of needs, but what I almost always try to do involves much more planning. You've probably read that "winging it" when grocery shopping is generally a bad idea because you 1) forget things, 2) buy stuff you already have and/or didn't need 3) buy items not on sale without coupons. You tend to spend a lot more that way, so it's best to stick with a plan. Here's my system:

1) Compile a list of groceries-stuff I need for the next couple of meals I'd like to make well as things we're running low on or are out of. I browse the store circular on their website and click what I want and make a virtual list, which I can then print out. Most store's websites allow you to do this now-so handy!

2) I then compare my list with a blog or website that follows the store I shop at for their deals and coupon matchups. I personally like Wicked Cool Deals because they're in the New England area, and The Coupon Divas , but there are a ton of others out there. Just do an internet search using the terms "coupon match-ups" and your grocery store choice.

3) I look up whatever items I don't yet have coupon match-ups for on a coupon database. Coupon databases are great because they allow you to search circulars, website links, and other sources for specific coupons on any item on one source. Check out this Coupon Database to see what I mean.

4) I then gather the necessary coupons and paperclip them together with my list. And that's it!

Yeah, ok, so it took a bit of planning, but it saves me money in the long run because hopefully I won't be making any extra trips to the store-which costs extra time & money, and I won't have missed using any coupons I might have been able to (and that's the worst!). So, hi ho, hi ho. It's off to the store I go!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just hate it when you find a coupon for something you just bought at the grocery store?! It's the coupon world's evil scheme:)
